How To Find Out Who Subscribed To Your Feedburner Email List

Have you ever wanted to find out the names of the people that subscribe to your RSS feed?

If you’ve setup Feedburner to manage your RSS feed subscribers and also enabled email subscriptions, you can find out the emails of your subscribers but not thier names.

Unless of course, they use their name in their email address.

I recently received an email from one of my wonderful clients who signed up for my free WordPress setup service.

Here it is:

My feedburner stats tell me I have 7 subscribers now (yea!) but no details are given in terms of WHO subscribed.  Is there a way to figure that out or is it completely anonymous?

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Here’s my response:

You could use Jetpack subscriptions instead which is a more WordPress friendly service as it also offers daily and weekly subscriptions and all your subscribers need to supply their name and email address.

Feedburner Subscribers

You’ll only be able to find out which email address if they signed up via email. The RSS feed subscribers aren’t accessable.

Login to Feedburner and click on your feed title link under My Feeds.

My Feeds - Feed Title

Click on Subscribers


Scroll down and click on FeedBurner Email Subscriptions under the Email Subscription Services.

Feedburner Email Subscriptions

Then click on Manage Your Email Subscriber List

Manage Your Email Subscriber List

Here you can view your email subscribers.

You can also deactivate or delete subscribers from here.

Subscriber Management

Unverified Subscribers

You’ll notice under the STATUS column in the screenshot above, there’s 1 unverified subscriber.

You’ll find more of them as your scroll down your list.

Here’s a post a wrote earlier about how to increase your email list by 10-30% today.

Its a great way to add existing email subscribers who have missed the double opt in confirmation email and not been fully verified.


I don’t know of a way to find out who has subscribed using a feedreader.

If you do, please leave a tip in the comments. Thanks

2 responses to “How To Find Out Who Subscribed To Your Feedburner Email List”

  1. Thanks, Brad! Incredibly helpful post as always.

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