Best WordPress To Twitter Plugin for Marketing

I’m sure you’ve read the stats that tell you, the more social media exposure the better.

This produces more traffic, more links, more search engine traffic and you know what that leads to.

Relationship between twitter and links

You can publish your posts to Twitter manually or you can use a tool & auto tweet.

So which tool to choose?

WordPress To Twitter Tools

I’ve been using Social Oomph for about 2 years but at $30 a month its more expensive than managed hosting and above the budget for some.

I recently discovered WordTwit which is a free plugin developed by the guys who make the best mobile theme plugin, WPTouch, Brave New Code.

I installed the free version immediately and upgraded to the Pro version the same day.

At 39 bucks for a one off investment its a no brainer because of the time savings and features that work around the clock for you like scheduled tweets.

[plugit]Install the free version and test the best WordPress to Twitter plugin before you upgrade.[/plugit]

One of the best features of the pro version is it will clean-up multiple tweets on Twitter as new tweets are published.

Pro WordTwit supports:

  • multiple accounts
  • hashtags
  • scheduling and more

Twitter Hashtag Bonus

If you want your tweets to extend further than your followers, add a popular hashtag. This way your tweets will be visible to everyone following that hashtag and not just limited to your followers.

Free Version Setup & Features

The free version is great if you simply want to publish your new posts to Twitter.

URL Shortening Choices

url shortening - free version

Custom  Twitter Message Template

Tweet Message - Free Version

Exclude Posts by Category or Tag

Exclude Posts by Catergory-tag-free-version

Allow Tweeting of Old Posts

Advanced Settings - Free Version - Tweet Old Posts

Pro Version Only

Here’s what you DON’T get in the free version.

Pro Only features:

  • Flexible publishing widget
  • Publish to multiple Twitter accounts
  • Add Twitter accounts on per-author basis
  • Custom Hashtags
  • Tweet scheduling
  • Retweet multiple times by schedule
  • Tweet log w/ administration tools
  • Manually edit-in-place
  • Supports a variety of URL shorteners, incl. YOURLS

General Pro Only Features:

  • Auto-Upgrade through WP admin
  • Internationalized
  • Includes: Spanish, German, French, Dutch, Norwegian, Portuguese, Italian, Chinese and Japanese
  • Works w/ WordPress 3.1 through 3.3


Twitter Accounts

To configure Twitter accounts, you must set up a custom Twitter application and configure WordTwit Pro to use it.

You can then configure the WordTwit Settings and add your license key.


WordTwit Settings

There’s a few more settings you can configure which are pretty straight forward.

Here’s the module which gets address underneath all your featured images modules in all your Edit Post screens.

WordTwit Pro

Bonus Twitter to Facebook

You can connect your Twitter and Facebook accounts so your Facebook pages are updated as well.

Its as easy as clicking the button below your Twitter profile.

Connect Twitter To FacebookYou can connect all your Twitter accounts to both your personal Facebook profile and all your fan pages.

Connect Twitter to Personal Facebook Profile And Fan Page

Video Intro to WordTwit Pro


There’s thousands of WordPress Twitter plugins but there’s nothing as good as this in my opinion. Its a top quality premium plugin which pays for itself many times over and there’s no ongoing fee’s.

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