Changing Link Url’s In WordPress Using WP Migrate DB Plugin

Moving WordPress to a new server can be a walk in the park or a nightmare for some.

No doubt plugins like Backupbuddy make the job as easy as possible.

There are also several ways to migrate your database and files manually if you enjoy editing SQL files.

Then there’s a solution which is in between.

WP Migrate DB is a plugin which changes the links in your database before you download it before transferring to a new host.

If you’ve viewed this slide show about how to move WordPress from a local computer to a hosts web server, you’ll also know this job can be done manually using a text editor like Notepad++.

If you’re not comfortable using a text editor to search find and replace your links, then you’ll like the WP Migrate DB plugin.

Plugin Settings

Once installed, go to Tools and configure the settings.

Simply enter your existing and new domain as well as the server paths.

Export your database and import using phpMyAdmin to your new servers database.

WP Migrate DB Plugin for WordPress

You’ll learn how to configure the WP Migrate DB plugin settings in the following video starting at 7.05 mins.

Video Guide – Migrating Your WordPress Installation to a New Server

Not working for you? Try Backupbuddy migration plugin

Related Solutions

2 responses to “Changing Link Url’s In WordPress Using WP Migrate DB Plugin”

  1. Mike Logan Avatar
    Mike Logan

    Your slideshow link does not work on how to move WordPress from a local computer to a host.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Thanks Mike. The slideshows are included in a portfolio custom post type which this theme doesn’t support so i am changing themes which does include a new portfolio for all the slideshows within the next week or 2.


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