Font Sizes: Pixels = Rem Values

If you’ve installed the latest Genesis theme framework, you’ll notice the style.css file now includes font size values in both rem and pixels.

The same is true in the new Twenty Twelve default theme for WordPress.

The new unit value for font sizes is rem with a pixel fallback to support all browsers.

fonts sizes rem-pixels


{ font-size: 16px; font-size: 1rem; } 

The size has been set so 1 rem = 16 pixels

The $rembase therefore is 16

html {
font-size: 100%; /* 16px browser default */

Here’s the table which is included in the Genesis 1.9 style sheet

12 / 16 = 0.75rem
14 / 16 = 0.875rem
16 / 16 = 1rem
18 / 16 = 1.125rem
20 / 16 = 1.25rem
24 / 16 = 1.5rem
30 / 16 = 1.875rem
36 / 16 = 2.25rem
48 / 16 = 3rem

Changing REM Value (base)

The base value of 1 rem unit can be changed like this:

html { font-size:62.5%; /* 10px browser default */

In this case the value of 1 rem = 10 pix

Its not advisable to change the value of your themes rem base unless you know what you are doing. Doing so will change the values of all your font sizes using rem values sitewide.

Changing Font Sizes in Different Themes

You’ll need to find out what font size the theme is using relative to the html root. Not all themes will use 100% font size meaning 1 rem will not always equal 16pixels.

When you change the font size for pixels, you’ll need to change the rem size also.

Twenty Twelve Theme Rem Base

The latest default theme, Twenty Twelve is using a rembase of 14

Here’s some examples from the style sheet of 2012

/* Twenty Twelve Theme Rem Values
This stylesheet uses rem values with a pixel fallback. The rem
values (and line heights) are calculated using two variables:

$rembase: 14;
$line-height: 24;

---------- Examples

* Use a pixel value with a rem fallback for font-size, padding, margins, etc.
padding: 5px 0;
padding: 0.357142857rem 0; (5 / $rembase)

* Set a font-size and then set a line-height based on the font-size
font-size: 16px
font-size: 1.142857143rem; (16 / $rembase)
line-height: 1.5; ($line-height / 16)

---------- Vertical spacing

Vertical spacing between most elements should use 24px or 48px
to maintain vertical rhythm:

.my-new-div {
margin: 24px 0;
margin: 1.714285714rem 0; ( 24 / $rembase )

Is Rem Better Than Pixels?

I think the reason theme developers are now starting to use rem is because of the scaling for mobile devices. On top of this, you get more browser support when using both font units.

Clearly, not all themes are using the same rem base.

How about you?

Do you use rem or pixels?

Learn More About Font Sizing

5 responses to “Font Sizes: Pixels = Rem Values”

  1. Vivek Nath.R Avatar
    Vivek Nath.R

    I customized Twenty Twelve theme and changed some rem values to pixels. Is that will lead to any problem in theme?

    1. Depends Vivek. You should calculate the pixels based on the rem value $base and use both. Are you using both rem and pixels?

      1. Vivek Nath.R Avatar
        Vivek Nath.R

        For twenty twelve $base value is 14.
        Yes using both rem and pixels.

        1. Should be fine if you used the default to calculate pixels as long as you didn’t change the base.

          1. Vivek Nath.R Avatar
            Vivek Nath.R

            Yes thats fine. Also I tested my blog in Browsershots to check cross browser compatibility and the results are fine.
            Anyway thanks for the detailed article about Rem values.

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