Useful Plugins for Customizing WordPress

Writing and adding custom php and css to your child themes functions file isn’t something everyone enjoys. Especially if you’re not a Web Designer or prepared to learn different code languages.

Rather than hire a WordPress expert, you can save money and get the job done yourself if you know which plugins to use.

That’s the reason i have put together this list of plugins which i have tested and recommend you try out depending on what you need to do.

Background Manager

Display a different background image on any page or post. You can also display a background image slideshow and custom background colors with different effects on specific pages/posts.

Background Manager

Custom Sidebars

This plugin works with any theme and enables you to choose which sidebar to display on specific pages. If you’re a Genesis theme user, you can still use this plugin or install the Genesis Simple Sidebars plugin.

Custom Sidebars

Genesis Simple Edits

Customize the output of post meta, post info and footer content on all Genesis child themes.

Genesis Simple Hooks

How could you customize your child theme without hooks? All the best theme frameworks include hooks and this plugin enables you to display content anywhere in your theme.

Genesis Title Toggle

Hide titles on specific pages and posts on all Genesis child themes.

Genesis Title Toggle Plugin

Rich Text Tags

This plugin adds a editor to your category archive pages which you can use to add introductory content before your posts are displayed.

Rich Text Tags

Thesis OpenHook

Adds a field for each hook which you can use to display content in Thesis. The Thesis OpenHook plugin will help non coders easily display and execute custom coding in any location there’s a Thesis hook.

Thesis Open Hook Plugin

WP Display Header

Display custom headers on any page or post in WordPress.

WP Display Header

Widget Builder

Build your own custom widget using a plugin.

Widget Builder

Widget Logic

This plugin adds a widget logic field to all your widgets. All you need to do then is paste in a conditional tag which outputs your widget content based on conditions.

Widget Logic


SendPulse is an email marketing service which combines 3 communication channels: email, web push, SMS. Install the plugin for WordPress and create beautiful forms to engage new customers.

When users subscribe, they will be automatically added to your mailing list in SendPulse. Then you can start your email campaign.

Genesis Plugins

The Genesis theme framework offers more theme specific plugins than any other theme provider.

These plugins help you customize your theme without the need to learn coding.

Over To You Folks

Whats been your experience using any of these plugins?

Got any others you’d like to add to this list?

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