Remove Date & Time Comment Meta Data From Displaying in WordPress

This CSS removes the date and time from all comments across your entire site by hiding the comment meta data. It does not remove or delete the meta data associated with each comment from the database or from your source code.

This code works in child themes running on the Genesis theme framework.

This code works for the Twenty Thirteen default theme for WordPress.





Other themes may use a different class for the comment meta data which you can grab using Firebug.

You can also run a database query in phpMyAdmin to remove comments and comment meta data from specific posts using a MySQL command.

Other Options

5 responses to “Remove Date & Time Comment Meta Data From Displaying in WordPress”

  1. Access the WordPress Dashboard: Log in to your WordPress admin panel.

    Navigate to the Customizer: Go to “Appearance” > “Customize”.

    Open Additional CSS: Look for the “Additional CSS” option within the Customizer.

    Add CSS Code: Insert the following CSS code snippet:


    .comment-metadata {
    display: none;

    Publish Changes: Click on the “Publish” button to save your changes.

    This CSS code targets the comment metadata and hides it from displaying on your site. Once you’ve added this code and published the changes, the date and time comment metadata should no longer appear.

    If you prefer to remove the comment metadata by editing your theme’s template files, you would need to locate the section in your theme’s files where the comment metadata is being output and remove or comment out that code. This typically involves editing files such as comments.php or functions.php, but the exact file and location can vary depending on your theme.

    Keep in mind that modifying theme files directly can affect your site’s functionality, so it’s recommended to use a child theme or a custom plugin to make these changes to avoid losing your modifications during theme updates.

  2. Amar Ilindra Avatar
    Amar Ilindra

    display; none; is not always good for SEO, instead of editing css, editing functions is always a good deal. adding display; none only hide it from users but not for bots


    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      I think it is good because the date and time remain in the source code which is read by the bots but is removes from the front end.

  3. Hey i have this on my site 🙂 i have a question how did you add a background to leave a reply ?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      I didn’t add any background to the comments.

      It must be generated by the default code in the child theme or Genesis.

      You can use Firebug to inspect the code and find out.

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