Add Full Width Background Image Slide Show To Any Element

In this post, i’ll show you the easiest way to add a slideshow of background images to any element in your theme.

Some themes may require some code editing however most won’t.

The easiest way to do this is to simply install a plugin like Easy Backstretch.


But what if you’re using a theme like the new Minimum pro version?

In this case you’ll also need to add an image using the built in Custom Background feature this theme uses. Otherwise your background slides will not display.


You can also use this plugin to add a slide show to any element using the plugin settings.

backstretch settings

Here’s a list of all the HTML 5 & XHTML elements for the Genesis theme framework you can use in the plugin settings.

The plugin has been developed using the code from the WP Cycle plugin by Genesis Lead Developer, Nathan Rice and Scott Robbins Backstretch script.

Other Options

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