Customize Comment Form Text Area & Label

In this tutorial, i’ll show you how to change the height of the text area of your comment field and the comment label.

Here’s what the text area looks like by default:

default comment field

Its fairly large and plain so lets make it smaller and change the label from Comment to something else.

Here’s the code you can paste at the end of your child themes functions file:

I’ve changed the value for the rows from 8 to 1 and changed the text from Comment to Your Feedback Is Appreciated.

Here’s what it looks like now:

custom comment text area

Lets also add some placeholder text with a message.

Here is what it looks like now:

placeholder text

Style Comment Form Text Area

Paste this code at the end of your child themes style.css file and modify the values for each property to your own preferences.

And here’s what the above sample code looks like on the front end:

comment text area style

I hope these tips have given you a basic understanding of how to customize the text area and label of your comment form.

More Ways To Customize Your Comments Form

11 responses to “Customize Comment Form Text Area & Label”

  1. How can I simply remove like in your site? I don’t want it to appear in the HTML code not even if it’s blank.

    1. It didn’t appear, so I put some spaces between.

      I just want to remove the comment label.

  2. Is it possible to do this same thing but to the author and email text fields?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton


      1. Is it a simple change or would that be a little more complicated? I’ve tried myself but I don’t really know the right tags for those fields.

        1. Brad Dalton Avatar
          Brad Dalton

          I’ve already linked to the code at the end of the post which you can find yourself.

          Its a very simple change where you simply edit the text in the code to anything you like.

          1. Thank you so much!

  3. Hi Brad,

    I’m trying to do this – change the text to “feeback” rather than “speak your mind” – I’ve pasted that code into the Prose -> functions.php without results then tried the init.php in same Prose folder. Neither resulted in the change.

    How the heck can I change that?
    Thanks for your help Brad. Looks so darn easy.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hi Kitty

      Try the Genesis > Custom Code box for PHP otherwise you may need to add the code using a code snippet plugin.

      1. Thanks Brad, I’ll give it a try!


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