Make eNews Subscribe Widget Input Box Inline With Submit Button

In this tutorial, i’ll provide all the CSS code which enables you to display the Genesis eNews Subscribe widgets input area, inline with the submit button.

Here’s the result:

customize site header

The code works for the site header area of the Outreach Pro theme by StudioPress and also includes displaying the Simple Social Icons inline with the Genesis eNews widget.

On top of this, you can also display your site title or logo image inline as well.

There’s 5 blocks of code in the above Gist.

  1. The 1st block enables you to style the submit button
  2. The 2nd block enables you to style the e-mail input box
  3. The 3rd controls the width of the header right widget area
  4. The 4th floats the Simple Social Icons widget to the right
  5. And the 5th styles your sites title

4 responses to “Make eNews Subscribe Widget Input Box Inline With Submit Button”

  1. Hi
    I love your tips and read them all! I’m fairly new to Genesis and love it! I’ve learned so much in such a short time, with your help. I would like to use this with Executive Pro – is that possible? Or specifically for Outreach?

    Thank you for your valuable and consistent tips!


    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hello Barbara

      The classes would be pretty much the same however the values may need tweaking which is why i listed the 5 parts of the code which need modifying.

      I would modify each class one step at a time for the Executive Pro theme to find out what the values need to be.

      Here’s what it looks like without any code changes

      executive pro

      So there’s not a lot of code tweaking needed. Maybe just the height of the submit button.

      1. vincenzo Avatar

        Hi, thanks for your tips.

        How do i add this code to the bottom of each post, like in your blog? Thanks

        1. Brad Dalton Avatar
          Brad Dalton

          You need to add after post widget and then add the eNews widget.

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