Display E-mail Subscribe Box Inline In Footer Of Parallax Pro Theme

Here’s the code which works once you’ve added the Genesis eNews Extended plugins widget to the Footer widget of the Parallax Pro theme by StudioPress.

Note: You will need to add this code to your Media Queries and tweak the CSS at different screen sizes.

And here’s the result:

email subscribe box

6 responses to “Display E-mail Subscribe Box Inline In Footer Of Parallax Pro Theme”

  1. angiewebbcreative Avatar

    Is there a way to do this same thing in parallax, but do it in a different widgetized area rather than the footer?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Yes. Change the class name to the name of the widget.

  2. Hi Brad,

    Is there a way to increase the width of just one page on a parallax pro theme site? I have set up a pricing page using the Easy Pricing Table plugin and it is all crunched up. I see that the width on the section it resides in is only 740px. Is the solution to create a new page template? If so, how would I do that?


    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hi Kurt


      Copy and rename the page_landing.php file and modify the CSS value for the width.

      You might also want to change the body class.

  3. Great one! Thanks a lot Brad!

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      You’re welcome.

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