Add AgentPress Grid Style Featured Property Listings To Any Theme

This plugin generates a widget which displays grid style listings of featured properties in the AgentPress child theme by StudioPress.

In this tutorial, i’ll show you how to display exactly the same grid style listings of featured properties in any StudioPress theme.

There’s a few steps you’ll need to follow which include:

  • Install and setup the AgentPress Listings plugin
  • Integrate PHP code for the properties widget into your themes existing widgets in your front-page.php or home.php file
  • Register a new Properties widget in your child themes functions.php file
  • Add a large block of CSS code before your Media Queries in your child themes style.css file

Here’s the results tested on both the Executive Pro & Outreach Pro child themes by StudioPress.

Outreach Pro theme

Outreach Pro Featured Property Listings

Outreach Pro theme with White Background

AgentPress on Outreach

Execeutive Pro theme

Executive Pro Featured Property Listings


Looks good on the Minimum Pro theme as well.

Minimum Pro

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13 responses to “Add AgentPress Grid Style Featured Property Listings To Any Theme”

  1. billalex Avatar

    What a spectacular improvement over the default front-page!

    Thank you much for your good work, easy to implement, easy to customize.

    Now I want to present this new grid in search-results as well. Will the code for front-page.php work in class-property-search-widget.php?

    When you have a moment
    Thanks, greatly appreciated

  2. Scot MacDonald Avatar
    Scot MacDonald


    I’ve been wanting to do this kind of thing for a theme I’m working on as well. Not only adding the custom field data to the grid display in archives, but also a similar admin meta box setup for use on single CPTs much like you see on an AgentPress listings. I find AgentPress’ combination of theme/plugin a bit tough to figure out but I’m sure it’s doable. Right now I’m registering the CPT and a taxonomy in a plugin and wanted to add custom fields in there as well. Have any thoughts on how to go about this?


    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      You would need to grab the code from the theme which i don’t think would be very difficult.

  3. Brad – I found your site thru a StudioPress Forum post response you made. After looking at this article, I am a little confused, since the AgentPress Listings plugin has its own widget that does exactly the same as above (I think…) out of the box.

    Why is this php code needed? and what does it enable, that the standard plugin does not?

    Thanks, Mark

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hello Mark

      It doesn’t do exactly the same without adding the code because the code is included in the AgentPress theme only.

      The widget generated by the plugin won’t align the widgets inline and style the different elements of the widget without the CSS.

  4. Any thoughts on placing this correctly on the Minimum Pro homepage? I’ve got it there, but it’s sitting at the top of the page. I know I need to change some of the hooks or something, but nothing I try is working right. Ideally, I want to replace the blog posts loop with these featured listings.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Like this Tracy?

      Minimum Pro

      1. Well, I actually got it figured out about 72 seconds after I posted my question…of course. That’s the way it always happens. Thanks for a great post!

  5. Keith Davis Avatar
    Keith Davis

    Looks good on both Outreach and Executive Brad.
    If I ever get a real estate client I know where to come.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      I’d love to convert the entire AgentPress themes features to another theme.

      Been playing around with it for a while locally and i think it would look great on other themes.

      1. Keith Davis Avatar
        Keith Davis

        Actually looks better on Outreach.
        Nice contrast with the green of the header and nav.

        Look forward to seeing what you come up with.

        1. Brad Dalton Avatar
          Brad Dalton

          Yes and i like the white background which i just added better than the black.

          Might make a theme like this just not sure it would sell unless i had support from StudioPress.

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