Modify Portfolio Columns in Minimum Pro

The Minimum Pro theme by StudioPress includes a portfolio page which displays featured images in a 50% width grid like this:

Minimum Theme by StudioPress

Scot, who i know from the StudioPress community asked this question:

Wondering how to adjust the display of portfolio items on the archive page from 50% to say 25% (display 4 instead of 2). I’ve tried tweaking the css but when you reduce to 25% items drop to the next row once you display two. I’m sure there’s something I’m missing in the css to make this work.

I know Scot has been supportive of my work on social media so am always happy to provide solutions for anyone who helps promote my posts.

Here’s the result before i give you the modified code:

Portfolio Minimum pro

style.css file

Under the Entries section of your child themes style.css file, around line 1273, change the CSS code to this:


You may also like to change the dimensions for your portfolio featured image in your child themes functions.php file.

Here’s the default image size which you can modify depending on how much padding you have added between your archive portfolio images.

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2 responses to “Modify Portfolio Columns in Minimum Pro”

  1. how can I do this to get 3 columns?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Change 4n to 3n and 25% to 33%

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