Move Entry Title After Post Info On Home Page

Found a question recently on the forums which should help you understand how easy it is to customize your home page.

Note: This code only works in a home.php file.

Basically the question relates to repositioning the entry title after the post info and aligned right of the featured image on the home page.

Here’s the before shot:

default home page

Here’s the result the code on this page produces:

archive page customization

Code Installation

The PHP code in the Gist labelled home.php should be copied from the view raw link and pasted into a new file you can create using a text editor like Notepad++. Upload the new file to the root directory of your child theme.

The PHP code in the Gist labelled functions.php should be copied from the view raw link and pasted at the end of your child themes functions.php file.

Use on Archives – More Flexible Solution

Use this code which repositions entry titles inline with your featured image on other archives.

2 responses to “Move Entry Title After Post Info On Home Page”

  1. This is great — can it be customized for different custom post types?

    That is, I have two different CPT archive pages. I’d like to do this for one and not the other.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Conditional tags are the key after the function

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