How to Change the Image Size in Genesis Blog Archives

This is a beginners guide about how to add new sizes and change the size of your featured images which display on different archive pages.

You can select from the drop down menu in Genesis > Theme Settings > Content Archives.

The image sizes you see there are included in your child themes functions file.

This post is in response to this forum question:

All images on my blog page in the Eleven40 Pro Theme are automatically cropped to 270px X 100px. Most images don’t look nicely in these sizes.

Is there a way to change all image sizes on the blog page template?


To change the image size in Genesis child themes, simply navigate to Genesis > Theme Settings > Content Archives and this is an example of what you will see:

genesis content archives image sizes

The sizes you see in the above screenshot are set in your WordPress Dashboard > Settings > Media & any additional sizes added to your child themes functions file.

WordPress Media Settings

These options will affect any blog listings page, including archive, author, blog, category, search, and tag pages.

Here’s the only additional size added to the Eleven40 Pro child themes functions.php.

//* Add new featured image size
add_image_size( 'grid-featured', 270, 100, TRUE );

Add More Image Sizes

Simply replicate the above code and change the sizes like this:

add_image_size( 'custom-size', 300, 150, TRUE );

Add the new code below the existing image size code in your functions file.

You will then see the new size has been added in your drop down menu when you go to Genesis > Theme Settings > Content Archives:

Add custom image size genesis

You can then install the regenerate thumbnails plugin which will create a new image size for all uploaded images.

Info: WordPress generates at least 4 image sizes which you can see in your wp-content > uploads folder for every image you upload including the original size, the sizes you set in your Media Settings and for any extra image sizes you add in your functions file.

One response to “How to Change the Image Size in Genesis Blog Archives”

  1. […] 7. Definición de un nuevo tamaño de imagen para el tema eleven40 Pro, del Consejo Escolar de Navarra. Este snippet permite definir dos tamaños personalizados de imágenes (uno de 809×350 píxels, y el otro de 388×144 píxels, acordes con el diseño del citado tema. Con estos dos tamaños de imagen se puede generar un diseño de entradas en cuadrícula con un elemento inicial destacado, tal como se ve en la página de inicio de este tema. El snippet está basado en las instrucciones de How to Change the Image Size in Genesis Blog Archives. […]

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