Custom Page Template The Same As The Outreach Pro Themes Home Page

This code creates a custom page template which uses exactly the same classes as the front page of the Outreach Pro child theme by StudioPress.

  • Simply create a new file using a code editor.
  • Copy the PHP code from the view raw link in the Gist labelled page_custom.php
  • Past the code into the new file and name it page_custom.php
  • Upload the file to the root directory of your child theme folder.

Then you can copy and paste the functions.php code into your child themes functions file.

You’ll also need to select the new Custom Page template from Page Attributes on the Edit Page screen.

Result After Duplication of Front Page Template

After you follow the setup instructions on the StudioPress theme setup page for the Outreach Pro themes home top and home bottom widgets, this is an example of what the code in this tutorial generates.

Front Page


Custom Template Same As Front Page

same as home

Video Demo

The video demo shows you that the custom page template is exactly the same as the front page template, where its located in the child theme directory and the code in both the original file and the new page template file.

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