Style Feature Box For Genesis

Several bloggers have asked me how to add a feature box in Genesis like what popular blog uses on their Magazine theme by Themify powered site.


Here’s what the code in this post generates on Genesis.


You will need to swap out the ebook image and copy with your own however thats the only work you need to do as i’ve done everything else for you.

Here’s all the code you simply copy and paste:

There’s 3 types of code:

  1. HTML which gets pasted into a text widget
  2. PHP code which gets pasted at the end of your child themes functions file
  3. CSS which gets pasted at the end of your child themes style sheet. The CSS for Media Queries need to be pasted after the ordinary CSS.

Permission: I did contact Jon Morrow from for permission to reproduce their featured box however they didn’t reply and they don’t have a copyright policy anywhere on their site.

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