Add Content Immediately After The Content & Before Anything Else

This solution enables you to add anything immediately after the content on single posts.

This code executes after all plugins which enables you to hook in before anything else and print your content first.

The code examples in this post include:

  1. Code for displaying text and HTML immediately after the content
  2. Code for printing custom field data immediately after the content

One example where this solution comes in handy is when your social share buttons are added immediately after the content because the plugin you’re using includes the_content filter to add the buttons.

Here’s the code examples to choose from:

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3 responses to “Add Content Immediately After The Content & Before Anything Else”

  1. roselleignacio Avatar

    Thanks for this.

    I used the last code in the post to set a signature after every blog post.

    But, I am interested in shuffling a set of signatures that will bookend all my blog posts. That way, blog posts will end on a different signature than the previous post did.

    How can I do this?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      You mean you want a different signature at the end of every post? Or only 2?

  2. […] Add Content Immediately After The Content & Before Anything Else […]

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