Custom Featured Listings Widget for AgentPress Pro Properties

This widget is added to your child theme so you can control, customize and modify the property listings displayed using the widget.

At present, the AgentPress Featured Listings plugin doesn’t include a filter enabling you to modify, change or alter the $query_args for the widget loop. What the custom widget does is enable you to make any changes you like which aren’t lost when the plugin updates.

The widget is added in addition to the default AgentPress – Featured Listings widget so you get to use both with the AgentPress pro child theme by StudioPress.

Here’s what your widgets page looks like after adding the custom featured listings widget to your theme folder:


Widget Installation

  1. Simply upload the widget folder to your child themes root directory.
  2. Then paste the code to load the file and register the widget in your child themes functions file.

Here’s the code for logged in members:

4 responses to “Custom Featured Listings Widget for AgentPress Pro Properties”

  1. Uploaded your plugin, went to functions php, pasted above code at bottom and clicked save. Broke site. Now I can not do anything. Please help, I fear I will loose all the work done at this point if I can not repair this issue. Here is the error.

    Warning: require_once(/home3/madhous2/public_html/visitwolflaurel/wp-content/themes/agentpress-pro/widget/class-custom-listings-widget.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home3/madhous2/public_html/visitwolflaurel/wp-content/themes/agentpress-pro/functions.php on line 211

    Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/home3/madhous2/public_html/visitwolflaurel/wp-content/themes/agentpress-pro/widget/class-custom-listings-widget.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/php/56/usr/share/pear’) in /home3/madhous2/public_html/visitwolflaurel/wp-content/themes/agentpress-pro/functions.php on line 211

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      I assume you uploaded the widget folder to your child themes root directory 1st?

      Send me FTP hostname, username and password and i’ll take a look.

      Also: NEVER paste PHP code into your theme functions file using Appearance > Editor as it will break the code. ALWAYS use FTP with a code editor or File Manager in cPanel.

      1. Hey Brad. Sorry didn’t see this reply in my inbox. I think there is an issue of where it loaded
        I’m in a bad way here. Clients old site was taken offline today and now they are without a site. Need to just get things up so I can put up a landing page.

        1. Brad Dalton Avatar
          Brad Dalton

          These details don’t work. Did you test them?

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