Entry Title & Featured Image Grid On Archive Pages in Genesis

This code enables you to show the title & featured image on all archive pages in Genesis.

This tutorial includes 2 solutions:

  1. The first solution uses a template which displays each title and image in a 3 column grid which can easily be changed to any other number of columns.
  2. The second solution uses a custom function.

Here’s one example tested on the Executive Pro child theme by StudioPress:


Note: Once you upload the template to your child themes functions file, i suggest you crop your featured images to exactly the same size before uploading them to each post or try the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin by Alex Mills ( viper007bond )

Also, this is how i configured the Genesis > Theme Settings > Content Archive settings:


Usage on Specific Archives

To control which archives the code effects, you can use the WordPress Template hierachy and simply change the filename of the template or add the code to your functions file with a conditional tag, example code for this which produces exactly the same result on the front end is also included for logged in members:

4 responses to “Entry Title & Featured Image Grid On Archive Pages in Genesis”

  1. If I use this as a tag arhcive page I would like to get the tag as a title on the page. LIke “Arhive for: tag” or what the phrase is supposed to be. When I use it now I get nothing in the top of the page.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      The tag name is displayed as the archive page title by default unless your theme has removed it or code in the template removes it.

      You can also edit the tag archive and modify the title and description.

  2. Hi. How would I do this for just 1 specific category please?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Name the file category-{slug}.php – If the category’s slug is news, WordPress will look for category-news.php.

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