Genesis Featured Posts Pro Widget

Featured Posts Pro is an extended version of the Genesis featured posts widget you can add to your child theme folder.

It includes settings to display your featured image before or after the entry title as well as after the content.


Update: It also includes settings to display your entry meta like author link, comments link and post date before or after the entry title as well as after the content.


Widget Class

The widget also includes a single custom class so the default classes featured-content and featuredpost won’t effect the styling of widget areas populated with featured posts pro.

If you want to use the same classes as the genesis featured posts widget, you can simply remove the custom class featuredpostspro and replace it with the standard classes on line 59 of the featured-posts-pro.php file, as seen here:

'classname'   => 'featuredpostspro',

to this

'classname'   => 'featured-content featuredpost',

Genesis Featured Posts Widget

The code also enables you to deregister the featured posts widget native to Genesis or include it. Add the following code to the // Register featured posts pro widget function in your child theme if you want to remove the standard genesis featured posts widget and only use the pro version.

unregister_widget( 'Genesis_Featured_Post' );

Update: The Genesis featured posts widget is now removed by default however you can add it back by removing the code above from functions.php.

The genesis featured posts pro widget comes pre-installed in a copy of the Genesis Sample child theme.

Use Widget in Other Child Themes

You’ll find 1 folder named widgets and several PHP code blocks in functions.php to register the widget and load the files.

There’s only 2 steps:

  1. Copy and paste the folder named widgets to your child themes root directory.

  2. Here’s the reference for the 4 code snippets you need to copy & paste to your child themes functions file:

  • Add featured posts pro custom image sizes
  • Load featured posts pro widget
  • Register featured posts pro widget
  • Load admin styles for featured posts pro widget settings

Included is a admin.css file which enables you to style the widget settings in the admin area.

Members can login and download the widget code below:

Download Featured Posts Pro

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2 responses to “Genesis Featured Posts Pro Widget”

  1. Hi Brad
    I am not sure about step 2.
    Do I pull 4 bits out of the functions file in featured-posts-pro folder? Or do I copy the whole contents to child theme functions file?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      You don’t need to use this widget. You can use the default genesis featured posts widget already included in Genesis. Go to Appearance > Widgets

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