Menu Logo Menu in Genesis Header

This tutorial provides the code which enables you to display split menu’s to the left and right of your logo in your themes header.

The logo can be added via the customizer.

Basically, this code generates a widget – logo/title – widget and uses the WordPress custom menu widget in each widget area.

Update : Try this newer version if using Genesis version 3.0 or newer and version 2.10 or newer of the Genesis Sample child theme.

Here’s what the code produces when added to the Genesis Sample themes functions file:


Video Demo

The code enables you to:

  • Set a default logo added to your child themes images folder
  • Add a logo from your Media Library or upload a new image
  • Link your logo to any URL on your site or externally
  • Set a default width & height for your header image as well as style & position your logo using CSS
  • Replace the custom menu widgets with any type of widget
  • Display the site title & description if no logo image has been added to the customizer


Here’s the code for logged in members:

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5 responses to “Menu Logo Menu in Genesis Header”

  1. Barb Nagle Avatar
    Barb Nagle

    I haven’t been able to get this working with Genesis Sample 2.10.0. The header logo and menus don’t appear at all. Any ideas? Thanks.

    1. I’ll publish a new tutorial for this using the latest version of Genesis Sample 2.10. Done

  2. Brian Thomas Avatar
    Brian Thomas

    Ok I see it’s only for the sample theme. Thanks.

  3. Brian Thomas Avatar
    Brian Thomas


    I tried this code on the “Kreativ” theme without success. Should this code work? Thanks.

    1. Should this code work?

      Its been coded to work in the Genesis Sample child theme. You would need a different solution if using another theme.

      The header area in some themes is coded differently.

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