Altitude Pro Template With Featured Section Like Front Page 1

This tutorial provides the code which creates a page template a bit like the Altitude Pro themes front page template.

The template enables you to add a featured image after the header and before the page content.

You can then add unique content over the featured image on every page which displays like this:


The image is added using the featured image meta box with a fallback image pulled from your child themes images folder when empty.

The template only works on the Altitude Pro theme as it uses existing jQuery and CSS already included in the theme. You can use the template in other Genesis child themes if you copy over the CSS.

The image is displayed in the same way the themes front-page-1 widget area shows the image and the content is displayed over the image using a custom field rather than a widget which enables usage on unlimited pages.


You can also use the template on posts if needed simply by renaming the file to single.php and removing the page template header.


Here’s the template for logged in members:

Related Templates


2 responses to “Altitude Pro Template With Featured Section Like Front Page 1”

  1. Tod Dale Avatar

    I’m a newbie… so this is not much of a tutorial. The download files go where exactly?

    There is a js folder in the download files. Do the files in this folder go in wp-content/themes/altitude-pro/js/ directory?

    There is a page_featured.php and a single.php … Do these go in the wp-content/themes/altitude-pro/ directory?

    There is a style.css … wp-content/themes/altitude-pro/ already has a stylesheet. So just paste the code into existing stylesheet?

    I’m a quick study if there are clear instructions.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Sorry buddy. I forgot the Installation steps. I have now updated the tutorial and emailed you a copy of the theme with the code installed. Let me know if you get stuck and i can install it for you on your installation.

      Also, remove the single.php file if you don’t want to use it on single posts.

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