Modify Genesis Footer Widgets

Genesis includes code which registers footer widget areas based on the number of widget areas the user wishes to create with add_theme_support().

If you look in any Genesis child theme, you’ll find most include 1 line of code which enables you to display footer widgets using code like this:

//* Add support for 3-column footer widgets
add_theme_support( 'genesis-footer-widgets', 3 );

Once added, your widgets page includes widget areas like this:


If your child theme doesn’t include the above line of PHP code, you can copy & paste it into your functions file and it will display footer widget areas.

But what if you want to modify these widget areas?

At the moment, Genesis doesn’t include a filter enabling you to make changes to the widget areas via your child theme so you’ll need to find another solution which you’ll find below.

Here’s the code which enables you to modify the default code in Genesis via the safety of your child theme without changing any of the code in Genesis:

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