Foodie Pro Featured Posts Widget – Manually Add Which Posts You Want Featured

The code in this solution is based on this question from a member of the StudioPress Community Forums:

I’m wondering if there’s a way to edit the ‘Foodie – Pro Featured Post’ widget so that I can manually add which posts we want featured… In other words, right now I have the option to choose by ‘Category’, but I would like to be able to manually add by post id or even title.


There’s no setting enabling you to select one or more single posts to include in the featured posts widget. To add a setting to do this would require a significant amount of code and understanding of all the code in the default widget which is a custom version of the Genesis featured posts widget.

The solution in this tutorial is very simple and requires the addition of a tiny amount of code to one of the Foodie Pro child themes files.

Note: You can also use this solution in any other Genesis child theme by using the Genesis Featured Posts Pro widget.

Here’s the exact location you need to edit in the file:

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