Infinity Pro – Make Front Page Site Header Background Static

By default, the site header Infinity Pro uses a transparent background which displays over the front page 2 widget background image and then changes to black on scroll. If you want the background color to be white without the need to scroll, here’s the solution:

There’s 2 simple steps:

Step 1 : Comment out or remove the following jQuery between lines 38 – 49 in the Infinity Pro themes js/global.js file:

<br />
/* Add white class to site container after 50px.
$(document).on( 'scroll', function() {

<pre><code>if ( $(document).scrollTop() &gt; 50 ) {
$( '.site-container' ).addClass( 'white' );

} else {
$( '.site-container' ).removeClass( 'white' );



Step 2 : Remove or comment out the following CSS rules between lines 13 – 67 in the Infinity Pro themes css/style-front.css file:

.front-page .site-header {
    background-color: transparent;
    border-bottom: 1px solid transparent;

.front-page .site-header,
.header-image.front-page .site-header {
    background-color: #fff;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;

.front-page .offscreen-content-icon button,
.front-page .site-title a,
.front-page .site-title a:hover,
.front-page .site-title a:focus {
    color: #fff;

@media only screen and (min-width:800px) {
    .front-page .nav-primary .genesis-nav-menu a {
        color: #fff;

.front-page .offscreen-content button,
.front-page .offscreen-content-icon button {
    background-color: transparent;

.front-page .white .offscreen-content button,
.front-page .white .offscreen-content-icon button {
    background-color: #fff;

.front-page .genesis-nav-menu .sub-menu a,
.front-page .white .genesis-nav-menu a,
.front-page .white .offscreen-content-icon button,
.front-page .white .site-title a,
.header-image.front-page .genesis-nav-menu a,
.header-image.front-page .genesis-nav-menu .sub-menu a,
.header-image.front-page .offscreen-content-icon button {
    color: #000;

.front-page .genesis-nav-menu a:hover,
.front-page .genesis-nav-menu a:focus,
.front-page .offscreen-content-icon button:hover,
.front-page .offscreen-content-icon button:focus,
.front-page .white .genesis-nav-menu a:hover,
.front-page .white .genesis-nav-menu a:focus {
    color: #d43c67;

Now the site header containing your site title/logo and menu should look like this:

Which is exactly the same as how it appears on all other pages by default.

Infinity Pro is a new child theme developed by StudioPress. It’s similar to another popular child theme also running on Genesis, Altitude Pro.

2 responses to “Infinity Pro – Make Front Page Site Header Background Static”

  1. Hey Brad, I tried out your solution on one of my sites and it didn’t work. You can check the site on

    I would greatly appreciate any feedback or pointers to fix this. Thanks!

    1. Anup. Works perfectly as seen in the screenshot however support is only provided for active members.

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