Digital Pro – Front Page 1 MP4 Video Background

This tutorial provides the code which enables you to display a MP4 video you upload to your WordPress Media Library as the background image to the front page 1 widget area in the Digital Pro child theme by StudioPress.

The background image added via the customizer still loads as a fallback image in case the video fails.

Video Demo

Here’s the demo video showing the video covering the entire widget background and fully responsive on smaller mobile screens tested locally on Desktop Server.

Mobile Emulator Video Screen Cast

Tested on dozens of popular mobile devices using

The front page 1 widget content displays over the video.

You can also add a image as a fallback which displays at any screen width.

Here’s the simple 2-step instructions for logged in members:

2 responses to “Digital Pro – Front Page 1 MP4 Video Background”

  1. Kevin Eberle Avatar
    Kevin Eberle

    This video can only be seen when logged into WP. That seems weird to me, any ideas?

    1. Hello Kevin. Which video are you referring to? Link to it please.

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