Add Custom Taxonomy Term Links To Single Custom Post Type

This code enables you to display a horizontal list of links to each single custom post type page. They link to each term archive page in the same way categories work enabling you to group together different genres.

Update : By default, the [[post_terms]] shortcode is now included in the entry meta.

The code in this tutorial has been written based on the following question from a member of the Genesis community:

I’m using the Genesis Portfolio Pro plugin with Genesis Maker theme. I would love to display the **Portfolio Categories** (known as “portfolio-type” in the taxonomy) on each individual portfolio page, below the content. Currently, the single portfolio page only displays the date and author in the meta. Have researched this quite a bit, and have figured out a number of other items, but can’t seem to get this to work. Would love to see something like “Filed under:” that displays on single posts. Is there code I can add to functions.php or something in one of the hooks?

Here’s a example which shows 2 links for the terms, Blues & Jazz added after the featured image content on single portfolio entries:

The above image shows one page using the single-artist.php template for a custom post type named artists. Added to this CPT is code to support creating custom taxonomy types

Here’s the code to do this which you simply paste at the end of your child themes functions.php file.

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