Altitude Pro Front Page Template On Other Pages

This new & improved template version of the Altitude Pro themes front page can be used on unlimited single pages of the Altitude Pro theme.

Update : This newer version enables you to add background images to each section without using CSS.

It displays exactly the same as the front page however you can use use unique content in each of the 7 sections as well as unique images for backgrounds 1, 3, 5 & 7.

And you can add unique content for every unique page which uses the page template.

Demo Video

Here’s the demo video which shows you the comparison. The demo content is included so you can setup the template exactly the same as the demo and use the same background images for each widget section OR unique background images for each image section.

Template Installation

Simply upload the template named copy.php, rename the file if you like, as it makes no difference and select the Template named Like Front Page from the Templates drop down menu in the Page Attributes meta box located on every Edit Page screen.

Here’s the template & demo content for registered members:

Related Templates

12 responses to “Altitude Pro Front Page Template On Other Pages”

  1. fotod0g13 Avatar

    Hi Brad,
    I am wondering if it is possible to use the Genesis Sample theme and add the Altitude Pro home page look to that theme instead of having to change the site over to the Altitude Pro theme and have to redo the site using the Altitude Pro theme. I like the look of the full width parallax images that the Altitude Theme uses and am hoping that there’s a way to add that look to the Genesis sample theme.

    When I tried the above on the Sample theme I could get it to work but the width of the images do not scale like they do on the Altitude Pro theme.
    your thoughts….?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hi Scott

      The front page template assumes the use of the default CSS rules included in the theme. You would need to copy over a lot of CSS to Sample to get it looking exactly the same. The tutorial is written for A.P theme users and not for use with other themes. I will try and work out a solution for using this template on Sample next week some time.

    2. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Heres the tutorial

      Also note how much CSS has been copied across, for anyone interested, 6 hrs work just to copy over the widget areas.

  2. jdfrazier Avatar

    Are you able to add/append a ninja form in one of the custom fields (i.e. cf2)?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Yes however you will need to wrap the custom field in do_shortcode

      $one = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), ‘cf1’, true );
      if ( ! empty( $one ) ) {
      echo ‘

      ‘. do_shortcode( $one ) .’


      1. jdfrazier Avatar

        Sorry for the delayed response…worked great. Thanks.

  3. jdfrazier Avatar

    I have the secondary menu (before header menu) set up, but instead of the menu showing up on the “copy page” the words “Main Content” (like in the copy.php) are displayed within a white box that covers the entire length of the top of page. When I pull the mouse over the secondary menu area it will still recognize the links and even the drop down links of the menu items display. However, the main menu items of the secondary menu do not display at all.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Just tested and works fine for me. See image

      Did i miss something?

      Happy to send you the copy i tested on.

      1. jdfrazier Avatar

        I still don’t know the exact issue, however, I uploaded altitude pro and this copy template again from scratch and the issue has been corrected.
        Thanks for your help

        1. Brad Dalton Avatar
          Brad Dalton

          Maybe it was just a browser issue. Chrome caches everything.

  4. jdfrazier Avatar

    Download Template link/button gives “404 Not Found” error

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Sorry, fixed.

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