Show Featured Image On Front Page Only

The code in this tutorial provides 3 ways to display the featured image on the front page or home page in Genesis. The code works regardless of the Genesis > Theme Settings > Content Archive > featured image settings.

You can use code:

  1. In your child themes functions.php file
  2. Or add the code directly into your front-page.php, home.php or index.php file.

This tutorial has been written to answer this question from a member:

It works! I’d love to have the featured image display on the front page but not on the blog page. Do I need to check the featured image option in the Genesis Themes > Content Archives section?

Here’s the demo video.

Demo Video

The video shows how the featured image only displays on the front page even when the Genesis > Theme Settings > Content Archive > featured image settings are unchecked. The image does NOT display on other archive page types.

Use if you want to use the Genesis > Theme Settings > Content Archive > featured image settings.

Here’s all 3 code snippets for logged in members:

2 responses to “Show Featured Image On Front Page Only”

  1. Luan Henrique Casagrande Avatar
    Luan Henrique Casagrande

    don’t worked

    1. Luan, which theme are you using and which code snippet did you copy and which file did you add it to?

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