Lifestyle Pro – Different Full Width Header Images

This tutorial provides the code which enables you to display a unique image on any single post or page. If non added, a default image named default.png displays which you can add via your child themes images folder.

There’s also several different methods to choose from to add the unique header image on single posts & pages.

You can:

  1. Add the image link using the native custom fields meta box.
  2. Install ACF and use the image field to upload or select a unique image from your media library for use in the header.
  3. Use the featured image meta box to add your unique header image.

All coding options are supported for members.

Here’s the demo video:

Demo Video

The demo video shows how you can add a unique header image to any single post or page using 2 options. Either use the custom fields native to WordPress or the image upload field added after installing the ACF plugin ( Settings provided ). If no image is added, a default image is displayed.

Tested using the Lifestyle Pro child theme by StudioPress with header images 1140px width by 200px height.

Note : You can use this solution in any Genesis child theme

Here’s the code for logged in members:

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