Content Over Unique Image On Single Pages

This template enables you to add a unique full width image after the header. The template includes a page template header however you can use it on single pages, single posts or single custom post types.

For use on:

Single Posts – Name the file single.php
Single Pages – Name the file page.php

You can also select the page from the Templates drop down menu in the Page Attributes on single pages, posts & CPT’s. See here for more info.

The template enables you to add unique content over a unique image for each post or page.

The content is added via the excerpts box and the image is added using the image upload field added by the ACF plugin.


After downloading the folder below follow these steps:

Step 1 : Upload the hero-template.php file to your child themes root directory

Step 2 : Add the PHP code from functions.php to the end of your child themes functions.php

Step 3 : Add the CSS from style.css to the end of your child themes style.css file. Clear browser caching if needed.

Step 4 : Add the 2 js files from the js folder to your child themes js folder.

Step 5 : Add a fallback image named image.png to your child themes images folder.

Step 6 : Install the ACF plugin and create a new field named hero_image using the following settings:

Here’s the files for logged in members:

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