Digital Pro Front Page 1 Widget On All Pages

This tutorial enables you to replicate the front page 1 widget area on all pages. The code also creates a unique widget area so you can display different content.

On top of this, you can also display a unique background image behind the new widget area which can be added via a new setting added to the customizer.

Here’s the demo video

Demo Video

Note : You can also use the featured image as a background image on all single posts and pages. Code modification for this is included for logged in users.


  1. Once you download the functions.php file below, copy and paste the PHP code to the end of the Digital Pro themes functions file.
  2. Add a image named after-header.png to your child themes images folder.
  3. Go to Appearance > Widgets and add a widget to the new widget area named Front Page Copy

Here’s the code for paid members:

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