Use Authority Pro Front Page Template As Page Template

This template enables you to display unique content for each single page which uses the the template.

Update : This new version enables you to setup all the fields and demo content in 1 click.

This includes :

  • Hero title
  • Hero description
  • Hero portrait image
  • Hero portrait caption
  • All elements of the 5 main template sections
  • The blog title
  • The blog description
  • The bog button text & link
  • All elements of the featured posts

The template also includes a unique widget area for the eNews subscribe widget in the hero section and a unique footer widget area independent of the front page.

Watch the demo video to see unique content displays on a single page using the template.

Video Demo

Shows a single using the template which shows unique content in the same way the front page template works.

Template Installation

There’s 4 steps once you have access to the download folder :

Step 1 : Upload the file named replicant.php to the Authority Pro themes root directory and select the template named Front Page Replicant from the templates drop down menu i n the Page Attributes box on any Edit Page screen.

Step 2 : Upload the file named heros.php to the Authority Pro themes root directory.

Step 3 : Copy & paste the PHP code from the functions file to the end of the Authority Pro themes functions.php file.

Step 4 : Copy & paste the CSS from the style-front.css file inside the css folder to the Authority Pro themes style-front.css file and clear caching.

You’ll then need to add content for the template using the instructions below for registered users.

Register or login to access the download folder :

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2 responses to “Use Authority Pro Front Page Template As Page Template”

  1. Andrew Hateley-Browne Avatar
    Andrew Hateley-Browne

    Hi Brad,

    Thank you for exploring this added functionality for Authority Pro (and the rest of your site is a big help). This tutorial is the reason I signed up to your site and bought the Authority Pro theme. It would be incredibly handy for me to have a duplicate (or multiple duplicates) of the front page, as I’m building a non-profit site that has two main arms but doesn’t really warrant a multisite. But I have to admit I was pretty disappointed with the results of this particular tutorial. As you have to get your elbows deep into code every time you need to customise the new content. This means I won’t be able to easily hand this to a content coordinator or volunteer without documentation, training and a lot of time. I’m not even confident that I’ll be able to get the content on the page in the first place (and I have an active interest in trying to work out this stuff). I was hoping for easy-to-use widgets or equivalent for the new sections (basically a duplicate front page).

    There are some additional functions that have been added to the Customiser, and there are some extra widgets too, which I really appreciate—the new Footer Template section works great (though they do a weird thing: the second widget is always one-column, unless you have a third; the fourth is always one-column, unless you have a fifth, etc.) . Otherwise it’s awesome. Thank you. Both the Hero Section and the Footer section show up in the Replicant Customiser (and are the same sections on the Front Page), but they don’t actually show on the page. There’s also something skewy with the ct4 bottom margin, but I should be able to iron that out with CSS.

    Sorry to be the bearer of a gripe, but those custom fields are problematic, and it’s not clear that they’re the solution offered on the tin. Any chance you can revisit this tutorial?

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