Parallax Pro Front Page As Page Template – Easy Setup Version

This template enables you to create unlimited pages like the front page of Parallax Pro child theme by StudioPress.

The template only works when used with Parallax Pro and enables one click content setup unlike this older version of the template which requires manual addition of content for each section.

This enables you to use :

  • Unique content in each of the 5 full width sections.
  • Different background images for sections 1, 3 & 5 on each page the template is used.
  • Usage on single pages and posts
  • Use a unlimited number of shortcodes in any section

Demo Video #

Shows the page template can be used on unlimited pages to display unique content and background images for each full width section in the Parallax Pro child theme.

Code Installation #

There’s only 2 steps relating to usage of the files inside the download folder :

5 responses to “Parallax Pro Front Page As Page Template – Easy Setup Version”

  1. Susan Sezgin Avatar
    Susan Sezgin

    Hi Brad,

    This is exactly what I needed! Thank you so much for these files and the tutorial. I have it all set up properly, but I am trying to add a testimonial shortcode to section 3 and I can’t seem to figure out how to do it. I’ve tried adapting the code in the Parallax Section Three block a number of different ways with no success. Can you help me? The shortcode is: [testimonial_view id=”1″] You can see the page here:

    Thank you!

    1. Susan Sezgin Avatar
      Susan Sezgin

      I should have also mentioned that, before I found your tutorial, I had successfully replicated the widget areas on the front page onto a new template page and was going to use that. I wasn’t able to change the background images, though. Now that I can change the background images, maybe the ultimate solution is a hybrid of the two?

      1. I have published a template here which uses unique widget areas however they can only be used once whereas the template in this download folder can be used unlimited times as it includes custom fields. Updated so it works with shortcodes now.

    2. Hello Susan,

      I wrapped the output for each section in do_shortcode( $section_one ) so shortcodes added in any section will now execute. Simple fix.

      Please download the folder again which includes the updated template.

      1. Susan Sezgin Avatar
        Susan Sezgin

        Works like a charm Brad! Thanks so much 🙂

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