Genesis Archive Page Template

This template can be loaded on any/all archive page types in Genesis to fully modify the default Genesis archive page display.

This enables you to target specific archives and :

  • Remove the archive page title and description.
  • Remove or modify the post info in the entry header.
  • Remove or modify the entry meta in the entry footer.
  • Reposition the featured image inline with the entry title.
  • Set the content limit.
  • Align the featured image to the left, middle or right of the content.
  • Use a custom featured image size.
  • Remove or display the featured image.
  • Display the excerpt or content with content limit.
  • Modify the read more text.
  • Modify the entire read more link.
  • Use any layout option.
  • Use a different pagination option.
  • Set the posts per page.
  • Exclude or include specific posts only.

Demo Video #

Shows the default Genesis archive page for the Uncategorized category and the custom news category page template.

Template Installation #

There’s 2 steps :

Step 1 – Upload the file named category-news.php to your child themes root directory.

Step 2 – Add the PHP code from the functions.php file in the download folder to the end of your child themes functions file.

Optional : Add the CSS from the style.css file in the download folder to the end of your child themes style.css file and clear caching.

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