Different Full Width Entry Header Background For Posts In Each Category

This code enables you to set a unique background color for single posts in each category like this :

The color can be set using the color picker added to each Edit Category admin page like this :

Color Picker

Watch the following demo video shows you exactly how it works :

Demo Video #

Shows the entry header repositioned after the header with a full width background color for posts in each category set using the color picker on each Edit Category screen.

Tested using the Genesis Sample child theme by StudioPress.

Code Installation #

There’s 4 steps relating to usage of the code inside the download folder :

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4 responses to “Different Full Width Entry Header Background For Posts In Each Category”

  1. Hi Brad,

    I was wondering if it would be possible to display post_author link to be author’s Twitter account link added in Yoast.

    Any ideas? Thanks.

    1. In the entry header on the category page?

      1. Hey Brad, my is located in the entry header of a single page (post). I just used this tutorial as a layout, so wanted to ask here.

        But to sum up, how can one display authors link on a blog page that will instead of authors archive redirect to author Twitter profile. SEO by yoast adds twitter field for each author.

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