Monochrome Pro – Use Front Page 4 Widgets In Front Page 3 Widget Area & Vice Versa

This solution enables you to use the front page 4 widgets in the front page 3 widget area as well as use the front page 3 widgets in the front page 4 widget area like this :

Shows the default widget setup for front page 3 and 4 widget areas on the left and the modified setup on the right.

Demo Video #

Shows the front page 4 featured posts displaying in 2 columns in the front page 3 widget area of the Monochrome Pro child theme by StudioPress.

Also shows the front page 3 widgets displaying content in the front page 4 widget area.

Code Installation #

There’s 2 steps :

2 responses to “Monochrome Pro – Use Front Page 4 Widgets In Front Page 3 Widget Area & Vice Versa”

  1. Makis Panagiotidis Avatar
    Makis Panagiotidis

    The “Monochrome Pro themes root directory” is different from “Monochrome Pro theme folder “?

    1. Makis Panagiotidis Avatar
      Makis Panagiotidis

      You can close the ticket. i understand. it’s the same folder.

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