Customize Archive Template For Genesis With Ads Before or After Each Entry

This custom archive template for Genesis, enables you to fully customize all elements on any archive page type including category, tag, custom post type, custom taxonomy & custom term type pages.

Insert Advertisements before and after each post on archives

On top of this, you can add unique content for advertisements before or after each entry which only display on the archive page and not single posts using custom meta boxes located on every single post edit screen.

Insert custom advertisements or show default

The content for each advertisement can be added using ACF ( free or premium version ) or the default custom fields meta box native to WordPress. If ACF is inactive, the content will still display.

If empty, a default can be displayed or no advertisement inserted for each entry as seen in the demo video.

Demo Video #

Shows advertisement content added on the single post Edit screen, including the default advert HTML from a widget displaying before or after each entry on the archive page.

Tested using the Genesis Sample child them by StudioPress however should work fine in any Genesis child theme.

Installation Steps #

There’s 3 steps :

Step 1 – Copy & paste the PHP code for the default advertisement to the end of your child themes functions.php file.

Step 2 – Upload the file named category.php to your child themes root directory. Rename the file according to the WordPress Template Hierarchy so it loads on the archive page type you want to customize.

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