Insert Different Ads After Every Entry Using Custom Archive Page Template

This template enables you to fully customize any archive page type in Genesis and insert different advertisements after each entry like you see in the following screenshot :

Genesis Archive Page Template

Template Options #

You can use code snippets in this custom archive page template which only execute on the archive page you want to customize.

  • Layout – Display your posts full width or use any other layout option included in Genesis.
  • Archive Page Title – Remove the title on the archive page only.
  • Post Info ( Entry Header ) – Remove or modify the post author link, comments link & published date for all posts displays on the archive page.
  • Entry Meta ( Entry Footer ) – Remove or modify the category in and tagged with links for all posts shown on the archive page.
  • Set content limit – Limit the text content to a specific character limit which only effects posts on the archive page.
  • Set Image Alignment – Display the featured image for each post aligned left, right and none.
  • Set Image Size – Set the featured image to display at any size included in the Media Settings or any custom sizes added.
  • Remove/Add Featured Image – Remove or add the featured image from/on the archive page template only without effecting other archives.
  • Set Content or Excerpts – Display the Content or the excerpt.
  • Change Pagination – Use either Next and Previous page pagination or Numeric pagination.

Demo Video #

Shows the HTML you add in the ad widgets displayed after each entry on the archive page.

Tested using the Genesis Sample child theme by StudioPress however should work without modification in any Genesis child theme.

Installation Steps #

There’s only 2 steps :

Step 1 – Upload the file named category.php to your child themes root directory and name the file according to the WordPress Template Hierarchy so it loads on the archive page type you want to customize.

Step 2 – Copy and paste the PHP code from the functions file to the end of your child themes functions.php file. This code creates 4 widget areas which you can populate with custom HTML widgets and then add your HTML for each advertisement like this :

Advertisement widgets

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