Different Book Cover Image on Author Pro Book Archives

The templates in this download folder enable you to use a 2nd image on any archive page types used in Author Pro. If none added, the default featured image will be displayed.

Different Book Cover On Author Pro Archives

You can add the image using WordPress custom fields, ACF or any other custom fields plugin.

Demo Video #

Shows how to add a new book cover on the Edit Book screen using ACF or WordPress custom fields.

This enables you to override the Genesis Author Pro plugins default archive page output.

Your book cover will display even if ACF is inactive.

Installation Steps #

There’s 2 steps :

Step 1 – Install ACF and import the acf.json file using Custom Fields > Tools > Import like this :

ACF Import Book Image field settings

You can then add a book cover image on the Edit Book screen as seen in the demo video.

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