Essence Pro Logo Menu Search Perfectly Inline

This CSS enables you to display your logo, menu & search form inline like this :

Essence Pro Menu Logo Search On Same Line

You can also display the header elements in any order like logo search menu.

Logo Search Menu Essence Pro Header

And menu logo search.

Essence Pro Menu Logo Search

The CSS also enables you to align each element to the start, center or end of each column area.

Align Middle

And the stacking order of the logo and menu elements can also be re-ordered when the responsive menu is displayed.

Demo Video

Shows the Essence Pro child theme by StudioPress displaying the menu logo search perfectly vertically aligned on the same line.

Also shows the the custom logo displaying full width when the responsive menu is active with the drop down menu displaying the same width as the logo.

Installation Steps

There’s only 1 step.

# Copy & paste the CSS from the style.css file to the end of the Essence Pro themes style sheet and clear caching.

Step 1

Download Folder

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