Change Genesis Author Pro Archive Columns

This tutorial shows you how to change the Genesis Author Pro archive featured image size and display your books in 2, 4 or any number of columns rather than the default 3 columns.

Here’s the end result on the author archive page showing 2 columns.

Genesis Author Pro Archive 2 Columns

  • Step 1 Shows you how to change the featured image size in the GenesisAuthor Pro child theme.
  • Step 2 Shows you how to change the number of archive columns.
  • Step 3 Shows you how to regenerate your featured images to the size set in step 1.

You can use this solution in the your Author Pro child theme to change the size of your featured images on all archives or specific taxonomy archives for authors, series and tags as well as change the number of columns like this showing 5.

4 Columns Genesis Author Pro Archive Page

Demo Video

Shows the Author Pro themes archive page displaying book entries in 2 columns, with larger featured images, on desktops and 1 column on smaller mobile and hand held screens.

Installation Steps

There’s 3 steps :

  1. # Copy & paste the PHP code ( without the opening PHP tag ) from the functions.php file to the end of your Author Pro themes functions file.

    Step 1

  3. # Copy & paste one of the CSS snippets for 2, 4 or 5 columns to the end of your Author Pro themes style.css file and clear caching. Your Reading setting s for showing amount of blog pages must match or exceed the number of columns.

    Step 2

  5. # Regenerate thumbnails or upload new featured images to each single book Edit Book screen.

    Step 3

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