Custom Fields On AgentPress Search Results Page

This search results template for AgentPress Pro enables you to display custom fields on your search results page like this :

Custom Search Results Template AgentPress Pro

The code in this download folder ( as seen in the demo video ) enables you to :

  • Display search results for listings in a grid.
  • Display all other search results using the default search template.
  • Add custom fields to the single listings Edit Listings screen.
  • Add custom fields to the listings shortcode.
  • Add custom fields to the AgentPress Featured Listings widget.
  • Customize the search results page for the listings post type.
  • Show custom fields values for each listing on the search results page.
  • Add the listings search form to your search results page.

Demo Video

Shows the search results for listings displaying on the search results page in columns. Also shows all other post types displayed using the default search template in a single column.

Installation Steps

There’s 4 steps :

  1. # Upload the search.php file to your AgentPress Pro theme folder like this :

    Step 1

  3. # Copy & paste the CSS to the end of your AgentPress Pro themes style sheet and clear caching.

    Step 2

  5. # Upload the agentpress-shortcode.php file to your AgentPress Pro theme folder like this

    Step 3

  7. # Copy & paste the PHP code from the functions.php file to the end of your AgentPress Pro themes functions file

    Step 4

Download Folder

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