Magazine Pro Templates To Display Different Archive Page Types In Equal Height Columns

The templates in this download folder enable you to display your entries in equal height columns for any page type including :

  • Your front page
  • Your posts page ( home page )
  • Your archive pages
  • Your blog page

The code in the template also enables you to reposition your featured image before your entry title and post info.

In this example we show entries in 2 columns however you can display your posts in any number of columns.

Demo Video

Shows posts displaying in equal height columns on the posts page, blog page and archives pages using the Magazine Pro child theme by StudioPress.

Should work fine in most Genesis child theme without modification.

Installation Steps

There’s 2 steps :

  1. # Upload any/all template files named archive.php, page_blog.php, home.php to the Magazine Pro theme folder like this
    Step 1

  3. # Copy & paste the CSS from the style.css file to the end of your style sheet and clear caching.
    Step 2

Download Folder


If you want to use Yoast Breadcrumbs, add this code to the archive.php and page_blog.php files once you install and configure breadcrumbs using the Yoast SEO plugin settings.

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