How To Modify The Responsive Menu Text In Genesis

This simple solution enables you to change the name of the responsive menu from the default text which is MENU to something else.

All you need to do is go to your child theme folder > config > responsive-menus.php and add this line of code :

'mainMenu'            => __( 'Menu Text', 'genesis' ),

to this existing code

return [
    'script' => [
        'menuIconClass'       => 'ionicons-before ion-ios-menu',
        'menuIconOpenedClass' => 'ionicons-before ion-ios-menu',
        'subMenuIconClass'    => 'ionicons-before ion-ios-arrow-down',
        'menuClasses'         => [
            'combine' => [
            'others'  => [],

And you should end up with something like this :

Tested using the Essence Pro child theme by StudioPress however should work in most newer versions of Genesis child themes.


2 responses to “How To Modify The Responsive Menu Text In Genesis”

  1. Alvaro Guevara Avatar
    Alvaro Guevara

    Why would someone want to do this Brad?

    1. Hello Al. This was a question from someone in the community however it simply enables you to change the word MENU which is displayed when the mobile hamburger icon is displayed and also for translators who want the text changed to another language.

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