Change Currency for Manual Orders in WooCommerce

This code is written to change the currency of manual (admin-created) orders to a custom currency when the orders are created, specifically when the order status is ‘on-hold’. The hook ensures that this process occurs when a new order is created in the WooCommerce store.

After adding the code to your child themes functions file, click Add Order, change the status to On Hold and click Create.

How The Code Works

  • function set_custom_currency_for_manual_orders($order_id) { … }
    • This function is designed to be hooked into the woocommerce_new_order action. It triggers when a new order is created.
    • It takes the order ID as a parameter.
  • $order = wc_get_order($order_id);
    • This line uses the wc_get_order function to retrieve the WooCommerce order object based on the provided order ID.
  • $order_status = $order->get_status();
    • It retrieves the status of the order using the get_status method on the order object. The order status represents the current state of the order.
  • $custom_currency_code = ‘YOUR_CUSTOM_CURRENCY_CODE’;
    • A custom currency code is specified here. You should replace 'YOUR_CUSTOM_CURRENCY_CODE' with the actual currency code you want to set for manual orders.
  • if ($order_status === ‘on-hold’) { … }
    • This condition checks if the order status is ‘on-hold’. This is often used to identify admin-created or manual orders.
  • $order->set_currency($custom_currency_code);
    • If the order is indeed a manual order (on-hold status), this line sets the order’s currency to the custom currency code specified earlier.
  • $order->save();
    • This saves the changes made to the order, including the updated currency.
  • add_action(‘woocommerce_new_order’, ‘set_custom_currency_for_manual_orders’, 10, 1);
    • This line hooks the set_custom_currency_for_manual_orders function into the woocommerce_new_order action with a priority of 10 and expects one parameter (order ID).

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