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Remove Admin Bar Menu Links Added By Plugins from WordPress Child Theme

This code shows you how to use the remove_node function with the admin_bar_menu hook to remove unwanted admin bar link in WordPress.

add_action('admin_bar_menu', 'remove_monsterinsights_admin_bar_item', 999);
function remove_monsterinsights_admin_bar_item($wp_admin_bar) {


Add the PHP code to the end of your child themes functions file.

How To Find The ID

We search the plugin folder for admin_bar_menu and we find this function :

function monsterinsights_add_admin_bar_menu() {
	if ( monsterinsights_prevent_loading_frontend_reports() ) {

	global $wp_admin_bar;

	$args = array(
		'id'    => 'monsterinsights_frontend_button',
		'title' => ' Insights',
		// Maybe allow translation?
		'href'  => '#',

	if ( method_exists( $wp_admin_bar, 'add_menu' ) ) {
		$wp_admin_bar->add_menu( $args );

This gives us an array which includes the id which is monsterinsights_frontend_button.

We add that to the remove_node() function and we get :


which we hook to the admin_bar_menu action hook.

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