Add Front Page 7 Widget To Wellness Pro

This tutorial provides the 5 steps needed to add a new widget area for an image section to the Wellness Pro themes front page 7 widget area.

Add Front Page 7 Widget To Wellness Pro

# Step 1 : Add the following PHP code to line 111 in the Wellness Pro themes front-page.php file :

# Step 2 : Add the following code to the end of the Wellness Pro themes functions.php file :

genesis_register_sidebar( array(
    'id'          => 'front-page-7',
    'name'        => __( 'Front Page 7', 'wellness-pro' ),
    'description' => __( 'This is the front page 7 section.', 'wellness-pro' ),
) );

# Step 3 : On line 23 of lib > customize.php, modify the code to this :

$images = apply_filters( 'wellness_images', array( '1', '3', '5', '7' ) );

# Step 4 : On line 26 of lib > output.php.modify the code like this :

# Step 5 : You can then add a default image named bg-7.jpg to the Wellness Pro themes images folder and change it via the Front Page Background Images setting in the customizer.


3 responses to “Add Front Page 7 Widget To Wellness Pro”

  1. Hi,
    I tried this but it is not showing on the home page. There must be another coding entry that needs to be added since I can’t see it when viewing the page’s html. I see 1 through 6, but not 7. Here’s the page


    1. Hello Burt. All the code on is tested including this one which i tested again just now. You will need to populate the front page 7 widget area.

      Members enjoy code installation and tutorial requests.

      1. You are right. I made an “it’s late on Monday” mistake. I didn’t add a widget to the section so it was not displaying.
        Thanks for the free tutorial!

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