Add Responsive Header Right Widget Area To Gallery Pro

This tutorial provides the solution which adds back the header right widget area to the Gallery Pro child theme by Bloom and floats the header image to the left like this :

As you can see in the following demo video, the CSS for media queries produces exactly what you see in the video. Also floats the header image to the left and centers both elements on smaller screens.

Demo Video

Adds the header right widget area & CSS for media queries producing exactly what you see in the video when the header right widget is populated with a image in a text widget which is 400px width by 170px height. Also floats the header image to the left and centers both elements on smaller screens.

Using Site Title

Also works when using the Site Title text rather than a header image :


There’s 2 steps after you have access to the download folder for registered users.

Step 1 : Line 80 in gallery-pro > inc > genesis-changes.php, remove the following line of PHP code :

unregister_sidebar( 'header-right' );

Step 2 : Copy the CSS from the style.css file and paste it at the end of the Gallery Pro themes style.css file. Clear caching and you’re good to go!

Note : The CSS in the download folder works based on a header image of 400px width and a image added to the header right widget area which is also 400px width as you can see in the demo video. The CSS may need tweaking for use with different size header images and different content added to the header right width area.

Register or login to access the download folder :

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