Add Different Full Width Images & Unique Content on Sub Pages In Gallery Pro

The code in this tutorial extends this solution for the Gallery Pro child theme for Genesis and enables you to :

  1. Add a unique background image on each page.
  2. Display unique content over each image.
  3. Show default content if no unique content added.
  4. Display a default background image if none added.

Demo Video

Shows how you can add a unique image and unique content after the header on any page.

Easy Code Installation

There’s 3 simple steps :

Step 1 : From the download folder, copy & paste the PHP code from the functions.php file to the end of the Gallery Pro themes functions file.

Step 2 : Install the ACF plugin and create a new field named after_header using the following settings as a guide :

Step 3 : You can then add your unique content using a new custom field named unique_content like this :


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4 responses to “Add Different Full Width Images & Unique Content on Sub Pages In Gallery Pro”

  1. Brian Thomas Avatar
    Brian Thomas

    Brad is it possible to have a different file dimension for the images on the sub pages? I want the full width image on the sub pages to be 1600 x 250. Thanks for any help you can provide.

    1. 1. Add the image with the dimensions 1600 x 250.
      2. Modify the last line of the PHP code to include a class for after-header like this.

      class=”front-page-1 after-header

      3. Add CSS to control the image dimensions and clear caching:

      .after-header {
      max-width: 1600px;
      max-height: 250px;

      I tested this and it works.

  2. Brian Thomas Avatar
    Brian Thomas

    You’re a good man Brad. I feel like I’ve gotten my money’s worth just from this one modification. Thanks!

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      You’re welcome Brian.

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